
Chi Omega Creations

Chi Omega Creations Chi O Creations is the exclusive online store for all official Chi Omega merchandise. Shop hundreds of the most popular Chi Omega products from official vendors.


Chi Omega Creations 


Business directory

All Chi Omega membership information is to be used by the Chi Omega Alumnae of Dallas and its members. This information shall not be used for personal or business gain, for political purposes, or made available for commercial or solicitation purposes.


Business Directory 

Dallas Alumnae Panhellenic Association

Founded in 1931, the Dallas Alumnae Panhellenic Association (DAPA) is a community based organization, affiliated with the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), whose membership is composed of 16 representative alumnae from the 26 NPC member group fraternities. In 2024, DAPA proudly awarded $12,000 in scholarship tuition to 6 university students. For more information: DAPA


Dallas Alumnae Panhellenic Association


Reconnect with Sisters or find another chapter

Looking to reconnect or find another chapter? Whether you just graduated from college or have been an alumna of Chi Omega for over fifty years, our Sisterhood is here to help members cultivate a lifetime of purpose. 


Chi Omega Alumnae