Message from the President

Dallas Chi Omega Alumnae is a village of amazingly talented women whose organization and planning skills could qualify most of our group as top CEO’s.  We have many differences, but all of us are brought together by the fact that each of us were initiated as Chi Omegas in our respective colleges, and many of us are called to give back to a fraternity which was an important part of our college years.  Chi Omega helped us navigate our college years.  We were encouraged to study and participate in college activities, but we probably didn’t know that and for many of us, we were given a lasting touchstone of friendships. 


This Chi Omega Alumnae village produces amazing events throughout the year.  Our meetings are organized by  women volunteering through Hospitality, Membership, and Programs.  The Young Alumnae (Night Owls) and Symphonies create interesting and fun events for younger members and for members with less time to be part of Chi Omega events.  We are kept informed and organized by our Office Manager, our Directory, the Owl, and by the myriad means of communication which goes with producing so many events.


The women who volunteer to organize the Holiday Tea, Golden Owl Luncheon, and Eleusinian Banquet always throw a great party.  The Recruitment Team spends hours organizing and encouraging women and Chi Omega chapters to continue to “Go Chi O”.  Summer Sisters put together events to keep us in touch through the summer.  Lunch Bunch and Book Club came from groups of women who had an interest they wanted to share.  We have Beneficiary and Scholarship committees, as well as so many others.  I have named just a few!


Chi Omega Christmas Market gives us another place to meet new Chi Omegas who are volunteering.  Our Market Chairs, Steering committee, Merchant committee, and the many committees who provide the framework for Chi Omega Christmas work many hours to produce an amazing event.


As we move forward, remember to give each other grace.  Take a minute or two to appreciate the women who work to provide all of us with this amazing Chi Omega village.


Karla Key Acuff


Iota Alpha, SMU, 1973