Welcome to our new website! Please bear with us as we slowly, but surely, add new content, photos and links.
If you are new to our website you'll see that much information is public. However, some info - including the online printable membership directory - is available to dues-paying members only and requires a password.
PURPOSE of Chi Omega Fraternity and The Chi Omega Alumnae of Dallas
Chi Omega is an intergenerational women’s organization forever committed to the founding purposes of friendship, personal integrity, service to others, academic excellence and intellectual pursuits, community and campus involvement, and personal and career development.
The Chi Omega Alumnae of Dallas was started in 1911. 113 years later, we are stronger than ever with a membership of all ages - from recent graduates to Golden Owls. Our vision is "sisters inspired by our values who serve the world while keeping Chi Omega ever at heart."
Contact Us
Please direct correspondence to our Dallas office which supports both the Chi Omega Alumnae of Dallas and the Chi Omega Christmas Market. Need to send an email? See below.
12700 Hillcrest Rd, Ste # 125
Dallas, TX 75230
Ph: (214) 890-1999
FB: ChiOmegaAlumnaeOfDallas
INSTA: @DallasChiOAlum
NEW Email: ChiOmegaDallas@gmail.com
Welcome to Chi Omega Dallas! As one of the largest alumnae groups in the country, we host the biggest charity fundraiser – the annual Chi Omega Christmas Market (COCM). Join us to engage in meaningful activities, contribute to philanthropy, and participate in a supportive community. Our membership drive is ongoing and dues paid after April 1 apply until the next March 31.
Learn moreEvents & Social Groups
Chi Omega Alumnae of Dallas has diverse events and sub-groups: Symphonies, Night Owl/Young Alums, Book Club and Lunch Bunch. There is truly something for every Sister. Night Owl/Young Alums aid the transition from college, while Symphonies connect women in various mid-life stages, fostering community.
Join us for events that cater to all interests!
Chi Omega Christmas Market
From our first market at the Dallas Convention Center in 1978, we've grown to a cumulative giving of $11 million. With a record $597,000 in 2022, our support spans 154 Dallas area beneficiaries in the areas of Arts, Civic, Education, Health, and Welfare. Organized entirely by Chi Omega alumnae, our market continues to impact the Dallas area community.
Learn more